Your Soul Will Be Blessed in 8 Minutes or Less!

             For we walk by Faith and not by sight. 

Mission Impossible

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. Think of all the noble missions throughout the world. There are missionaries focused

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Next Top Model

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. Think of all the models we see each day. There are model homes,

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Jumping to Conclusions

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. We are all encouraged not to jump to conclusions. However, it’s a practice

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Best Friends

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. When we think of our best friends, thoughts of support, trust and love

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Bold Is Beautiful

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. We must admit, we all like things that are bold. When eating out,

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The Final Answer

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. Making final decisions is tough. However, we all agree it must be done.

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The Right Choice

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. We all numerous choices to make each day. We must decide what clothes

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The After Effect

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. Almost everything has an after effect. For example, the after effect of an

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The Runaways

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. Each year almost 3 million kids runaway from home. Many of them are

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Made From Scratch

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. Back in the day, our grandparents and great-grandparents made all their meals from

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The Master Plan

Your soul can be inspired and blessed in 8 minutes or less. Planning is one of the most essential elements in life. We plan vacations,

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